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Bobby's Lawn Care Service - Logo
Serving Dover, PA   717-586-3936
Your Outdoor Specialist

Property Management

Serving Dover, PA
Serving Dover, PA
Call Us Today

Top-Grade Property Management

Worry-Free Property Management

If you are managing residences or running a business, you have enough on your hands without having to worry about the grounds. Turn over those troubles to Bobby's Lawn Care Service.
For over 16 years, Bobby has tended the lawns and grounds for homes and businesses around Dover, PA. He'll mow, trim shrubs, mulch trees and flower beds - whatever you need!

Beautiful Grounds Convey the Right Message

When potential customers walk up to your business or visitors approach your home, they already are forming opinions. In both cases, attractive landscaping sends the right message - that you care and are attentive to detail.

Maintenance Agreements Guarantee Upkeep

Put your grounds' upkeep on auto-pilot. With a contract, Bobby will show up on schedule as often you want. He'll care for both your lawn and the landscaping outside your home or business. Pay monthly, seasonally or annually.
For a perfectly maintained lawn and grounds, call 
"Members of our board and beautification committee raved about his work. Bobby is a gentleman in every sense of the word."

- Bob
Association member

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